Friday, November 21, 2008

Training: Day 1

Today was the first day of elf training. Orientation was on Wednesday, but Shortcake had to miss it because of a conflict with her show. So, today was her first chance to interact with other elves and begin the elvish process.

Shortcake received an elf manual replete with all of Macy's attendance policies, descriptions of the elf positions, suggested elf names (which, obviously, Shortcake did not need, as she had chosen her name weeks in advance), and explained how to say "Merry Christmas" in many languages, including sign language.

Shortcake was taught how to be a photography elf, i.e. pose people for their pictures with Santa, how to take the picture, where to draw their attention with a "Magic Ticket." There was also a brief lecture on register training. Shortcake hopes there will more hands on training with the registers, as there were a lot of rules regarding selling of pictures and merchandise, and the difference between computers and registers.

Then Shortcake was sent to the costume cage, - so called because it has low ceilings - and fitted for a costume. The exciting news is that she gets a new costume every week, so come visit often! Every week you could get a different picture since the shirt and pants will be in different prints and fabrics.

But wait! There's more!

Shortcake volunteered to work (don't worry, she'll be getting paid) on Thanksgiving, entertaining the kids in the VIP section for the parade! Yes indeedy, Shortcake will be getting up to be at work at 6:30am on Thanksgiving to bring joy to children. Is there any higher purpose for an elf?

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