She started work immediately on the front line. There was a special event today called "Happy Child" where underprivileged kids are brought in, fed breakfast, get to see Santa and get toys. Groups of kids were being led to see Santa in addition to the normal school groups and families. Happy Child was supposed to be over by 10am; instead it didn't end until noon. Around 10a, the line exploded and there was a minor stantion disaster. Because the stantions were not set up properly, Shortcake was frantically trying to pull them together to make a line, and then were were only two lanes instead of the usual three, and a school group leader decided to pick a fight with a family about who was in line first, while Shortcake was stretched between stantions... It was a mess, but by 11a it had calmed down again.
In answer to a question posed by ELF's mom, the line to see Santa during the day is usually about 20-30 minutes, and most of that is inside the display, so there's stuff to look at. On really busy days (weekends, Black Friday etc.) it can be an hour to two hours.
After a break, Shortcake was sent to Photo elf, where she saw a lot of school groups, and some pushy moms, but mostly good kids. After lunch, she Photo elfed again, and managed to get 11 teenage girls into a picture, and it turned out really cute. She also discovered a silly dance for babies, that sometimes makes them smile. Sometimes they just stare at her in awe. But they always look at her, and mostly stop crying.
Shortcake worked with Santa today, and he decided that every time there was a new batch of elves in, they would come together for a cheer. They all put their hands in the middle and on the count of three shouted "Merry Christmas" and threw their hands in the air. Very inspiring.
Shortcake has a very droopy hat.
Dear Shortcake,
I love you. If you would like and your mom would share, you can be my daughter too. I like daughters; then I would have have ELF and Shortcake (my elven daughters), shopping daughter, India daughter, and Nicole daughter.
I have been thinking about your hat problem (or is it your small head problem?). Anyway, my ELF is very talented and creative, and she could do something to your hat to make it fit.
Thanks for the information about the lines. I didn't know schools made field trips to Macy's to see Santa, must have more money than my school...
Love, ELF's mom
So, find yourself some poster board, cut a circle of appropriate dimension, remove a segment of appropriate size tape the edges together and stick it inside the hat to keep it upright.
As you went to the Elfish Math & Science Academy, I'll leave the actual geometric calculations for you to do.
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