Tuesday, December 15, 2015

Krampus on Pearl Harbor Day!

Last Monday was December 7, Pearl Harbor Day.  On this day 74 years ago...  a whole lotta people died.  The end.

Santa and Shortcake had an argument about one of the murals on the walls in Santaland.  Santa thought that there was a rabbit with a horn between its ears, a unicorn rabbit, if you will.  Before we opened Santaland, Shortcake went to look at it with him, and she did not see the unicorn.  It looked like a regular old rabbit with a shadow on its ear.  She pulled in Huggins and Figgy for outside opinions, and they sided with Shortcake.  Santa refused to cede his position.

Krampus said we had to open Santaland, and it was left as a draw.

Captain America came to visit Santa!  It was a boy, maybe five or six, wearing a Captain America suit, complete with mask.  He was from England.  So Santa took a photo with him flexing his arms and, you know, saving the world.  Like you do.

A child puked in Santa's house.  Thankfully, we have a crackerjack housekeeping team who were very thorough in cleaning his house.  There was the powder to pull it up, then the mopping, and the getting it out of cracks, and the cinnamon air freshener...  Shortcake gave Housekeeping many buttons.

Shortcake is learning Spanish (and not doing a terribly great job of it), and she practices her Spanish on the elves.  She has taken to asking for help on her homework.  She had to practice reading a paragraph out loud.  Poor Jinglesnaps heard it twice.  Little Star and Happy also listened to it on their lunch break, and they were very congratulatory of her reading.  Now if she could just learn what she said...

Monday night was the first time Shortcake was able to see the movie Krampus.  Good news, it didn't suck.  It was not a waste of money or time.  Mainlining Christmas has a fairly accurate review.  This is Shortcake with the only movie poster available at the movie theater.

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