Shortcake was very busy this last week, which is why the blog was not updated. But she has tomorrow off (sort of), and made notes to herself, so she would be able to remember everything she wanted to tell her faithful readers. And that sentence had a lot of conjunctions in it.
Sunday was rainy. Shortcake doesn't work Fridays or Saturdays (usually), so she came in Sunday expecting it to be a busy day, as befitted the second Sunday in December. And then she found out the Saturday the day before had been awful for all elves involved. The line was 3 hours long. It was in women's coats. Elves took half hour lunches. Macy's got cranky. (Macy's always gets cranky when the line is in women's coats - not that there's much we can do about it. If that many people show up and stand in line, then they have to stand somewhere.) And Shortcake felt awful, not that she had a day off, but that she wasn't there to help out. Anyway. The store, managers, and elves prepared for a similar day on Saturday, but the line was never longer than an hour. Perhaps the rain kept people away? It was a rainy, almost warm, day. (And then Shortcake ran 7.7 miles in the cold in the rain. She had asked for a clear day from 4pm-6pm. Clearly, she should have specified time zone, since she got 4pm-5pm.)
Other things that happened Sunday: The stanchions had to be re-set up.
There were a few instances when the Village had to be shut down because the registers couldn't keep up with the photo line. It doesn't seem like a long photo line at the registers would shut down the Village, but because of the layout of Santaland, it does. Trust Shortcake. So, she was sent to Village Exit to keep that line down. And Shortcake rocked it. Shortcake can always rock Village Exit. She may not have been the most polite elf ("Please" doesn't enter the vocabulary often, unfortunately.), but she kept the line down.
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