Wednesday, November 16, 2016


Sooooooo, Shortcake is back at Macy's.  As planned.  She flew into New York on Sunday, and went to work bright and early Tuesday afternoon.  Of course Cider was in on Monday, but, well, that's why Cider is the president of the strawbosses.  Shortcake is the secretary of the strawbosses.  And... do you know who the third strawboss is?

Wait for it.

Wait for it.

It's Blissful!

That's Blissful in front with Shortcake and Miss Denise and Santa from last year.

Cider and Shortcake are super excited about having her join the team.

Anyway, so Cider and Shortcake did preseason stuff.  Cider washed Santa's cups, and Shortcake went to Macy's training.  Remember Macy's training?  When Shortcake has to fill out hiring forms and watch videos on the "MAGIC of Macy's" and "safety protocols" and "gun shooter safety."  She's done them eight times previously.  She started reciting them to the new hires in the elevators.  It's boring and a little dumb to make Shortcake do it every. single. year. But, you know, corporations have corporate rules.  But this year.  This year! This year Shortcake did not have to watch the videos.  She only had to fill out the forms.  Huzzah!  What a glorious day!

In the evening all the elves and strawbosses managers and Peppercorn and Gingersnap and Ruby and Santa got together for the big Santaland orientation.  Shortcake hugged so many friends. Dash is back!  Teddy Bear!  Gingerbread!  Star!  Estrella!  But there are so many new managers.  Only two are returning.  I know.  No Dewdrop.  Sadness.

Anyway.  Santa wasn't supposed to be able to attend because he had an event, so they watched a video of him reciting "Twas the Night Before Christmas."  Because Santa always recites it.  BUT THEN.  Santa burst into the room to ginormous applause and recited the entirety of "Twas the Night" in person.  Because he's Santa.  Then we all traipsed down to the Land to walk through the maze.

Shortcake and Blissful saw Santa and showed off their Christmas socks.

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