Thursday, November 17, 2016

Press Event

Well readers, Shortcake and Blissful went in to work to do some more preseason things - cleaning, paperwork, etc, and they were surprised to learn the Press Event was this evening.  And a strawboss was needed for it.  Blissful and Cider were busy, so it fell to Shortcake to jump in.  It was a good night, even if she had to cancel dinner plans with a friend to do it.

But before that.  Shortcake did some paperwork and scheduling, because she likes paperwork and scheduling.  No one is surprised.  Not a single elf.  Blissful made the bulletin boards look pretty AND organized the coffee station.

Isn't it beautiful?  So neat and clean and there's storage room under the shelf to put all the coffee accessories.

The Press Event was super fun.  Santa saw some families, and the register area was turned into a magical place.

With face painting!  (Shortcake was unable to get her face painted.  Sadness, indeed.)

With a band!  They sang Christmas songs!  Shortcake danced!

With a bar!  With delicious fancy drinks!

With a hot chocolate station!  The nice man gave Shortcake a hot chocolate!  With a cinnamon stick!

Isn't it pretty?

Shortcake thought it was delicious.  It was a special treat because Shortcake is on a No Sweets November kick.  She is trying to break the sugar monster, and she has made it 16 days so far.  (There was an exception made for the day of the New York marathon, as there will be an exception made for Thanksgiving.  Some things are more important than not eating dessert.  Like running 26.2 miles in one day or celebrating Thanksgiving with friends.)  Oh, the desserts looked gooooooooood.  Santa sampled them - Sweets and Latke made sure Santa was given all dessert options - and said they were delicious.  Tempting.  Very tempting.  But Shortcake stood strong and drank her hot chocolate, as is allowed in the rules set forth by Shortcake herself.  DON'T JUDGE HER, OKAY.  THE RULES MAKE SENSE IN HER HEAD, AND THAT'S ALL THAT MATTERS.

Sweets and Latke also brought fancy schmancy drinks to Shortcake and Katt (elf-name in process), so obviously there was a toast, and those fancy schmancy drinks were also delicious.  Predictable.  The only things Shortcake didn't get to try were teeny, tiny, adorable grilled cheese sandwiches.  She had a teeny, tiny, shaped-like-a-gingerbread-person PB&J sandwich.  But alas, no grilled cheese.

There were a lot of elves present, and they were a little under-utilized, so they ended up forming an elf gauntlet before taking a picture with Santa.  He decided a group of elves is called a bauble.  So, here Shortcake presents to you, a bauble of elves:

Left to right, that's: Licorice, Latke, an elf whose name Shortcake forget and that's humiliating, Tootsie (probably), Noel, Pringles and Dumpling.

Maybe Shortcake should not have named the elves in her description.  Alas.  Hindsight is twenty/twenty.  And, no, now is not a good time to point out that this is a blog post on the digital, ephemeral, fickle internet and could easily be edited to correct her mistake.

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