Saturday, November 18, 2017

Preseason Part 2

Blissful and Shortcake and Cider got together today to go over some last minute things before training tomorrow.

Yes, Santa gets training every year.  Just a reminder how it works at Macy's instead of all the other places Santa spends time.

Today was elf training.  Cider, as President of the strawbosses, spoke to the elves about who we are, what we do, and the things they need to know.  Shortcake shared the sign language strawbosses use.  Blissful said important things.  All very exciting.

Speaking of exciting:

Shortcake got markers!  It's exactly what she asked for!  Fat markers in primary and secondary colors!  Think of all the signs she can make!

Also, Fruit and Cheese Day has been scheduled for Wed, Dec. 13.  Mark your calendars for ALL the fruit and cheese.

This is one of Shortcake's favorite things about the Herald Square Macy's: wooden escalators!

Cider and Shortcake bonded over Sports Night.  You don't know what Sports Night is?  Well, neither does Blissful.  But Cider and Shortcake do.  They exchanged three high fives because Shortcake not only knew what it was, but she owns it, as does her boyfriend.  (What?!  Yes!  Shortcake has a boyfriend.  His name is Puncake.  You'll meet him over Thanksgiving weekend.)  Cider immediately told Shortcake she was Jeremy.  She countered that she had always thought she was Natalie.  Cider then informed that if she wrote fanfic, she was Jeremy.  Shortcake had to concede that she had, in the past, written fanfic, and was therefore, probably, Jeremy.  Cider debated whether he was Dan or Casey.  He decided Blissful was Kim.  If this entire paragraph makes no sense to you, you should go watch Sports Night immediately.

Shortcake then declared if she was on Parks and Recreation she was Leslie Knope.  Cider agreed.  He claimed he was a mix of Ben Wyatt and Ron Swanson.  Shortcake claimed she was a mix of Leslie Knope and Jerry Gergich.  Blissful said she was a mix of Leslie Knope and April Ludgate.   

Blissful confessed she had only seen one Star Wars movie.  Cider asked which one.  She said the first one.  That is the correct answer. 

In related news, Dorkwad sent this to Shortcake today.

1 comment:

MRM83 said...

I am total Ron Swanson and would like to replace fruit and cheese day (because that is the food my food eats) with bacon day.