Thursday, November 26, 2009


Happy Thanksgiving! Shortcake spent the day disguised as a human, working crowd control for the Central Park South Grandstands. Once they were filled, she sat in the grandstands and watched the parade. Here are some highlights:
Shortcake wearing her HUGE Macy's jacket and Parade pass. Shortcake sitting at 59th St & 5th Ave at 6am in over overly large jacket.
Kermit. The people pulling Kermit. Big Bird on the Sesame Street float.
The M&M Broadway float. It's a castle on a float. Awesome.
Spongebob Squarepants! He lives in a pineapple under the sea!
It's a pirate ship.
Care Bears! I still have my Share Bear. She was my favorite, along with Bright Hearty Raccoon 'cause they were purple.

Santa's new float!

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