Friday, December 7, 2012


As you know, Santa receives a lot of letters and lists.  (Shortcake hasn’t written her letter yet; she should get on that.) These are some highlights from this season:

Does this child want the cheese to become a candy cane?  Or does the child think the cheese is already a candy cane?  Shortcake is a bit confused.

Santa received a list in Russian.  Written in the Cyrillic alphabet.  It was awesome.

Wyatt drew this picture for Santa. 

Shortcake likes to pretend Wyatt is from Wyoming, where it rains snowballs, and there’s a compass in the sky.

The best list so far is from this kid:
To transcribe:
Bow & arrow
1000000 dollars
Super powers
Nintendo ds
And games for ds
There’s a small candy cane drawn in the corner.

You know what, kid?  Shortcake would also like a million dollars, super powers, and magic.  You have good taste kid.  Shortcake doesn’t know what you would use the Yeti for, but more power to you for asking for it.

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